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Sustainable and Eco-friendly Christmas

Christmas is not a festival, it’s a feeling of the tenderness of the past, courage for the present, and hope for the future. As we all are cognizant that Christmas is right around the corner and preparations are in full swing. But have you ever wondered that while decorating your house with alluring decoratives, you also have the option to contribute your part to a sustainable world? Yes, it’s absolutely possible to celebrate a happy eco-friendly, and sustainable Christmas by decorating your home.

with recycled stuff and preparing some green food. We have listed down some tips which would be your right hand in celebrating eco-friendly Christmas.


According to a recent study, in order to keep your fir green, you have to use your fake fir for at least 20 years which also means that 7 million real trees will get wasted rather than getting recycled. It’s time to go green and change a bit this year by renting a real tree rather than a fake fir. You can decorate this tree as much as you want and return it so that it can get replanted in January. One thing you need to keep in mind is to ensure that the tree you want to buy is grown locally. After the festival is over, you can add it to the local green waste or you can chop the wood and decorate it as a habitat for the birds and other animals.


Whenever it’s time for Christmas, we all use last year’s gift paper to wrap the gifts because who will buy new ones every year when you already have the old ones. Have you ever wondered if the glitter and foil in your wrapper are eco-friendly or not? Well, to check if the paper is eco-friendly or not, you can simply do a scrunch test. Just take your wrapping paper and scrunch it tightly then let it go, notice if the paper stays scrunched then it can get recycled but if it comes back to its original shape then it contains non-recycling elements.


Well nowadays most of the people prefer to buy Christmas cards rather than writing them. This year to send some Christmas greetings to your loved ones, you should opt for such cards which don’t cost the planet. It’s just as simple as sending them the normal greetings, just look for the cards that have Forest Stewardship Mark on it. The mark assures that the paper has been sustainably manufactured. You can also go for a plantable card that is embedded with seeds in them which can be sowed after they are used. You can also recycle your cards or use it for decorations rather than just throwing it away.


This Christmas, make your loved ones happy by giving them healthy eco-friendly gifts which will not only make them happy but they will also be contributing to a sustainable world. According to Anthesis, if you wanna buy something sustainable, ensure if the product is Third Party certified. If the product contains any one of the following logos then it is considered eco-friendly such as Scientific Certification Systems (SCS), Rainforest Alliance, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Palm Oil Free and Fairtrade. It would be a good idea to get certified green gifts this Christmas.


Wreaths are no wonder, beautiful decorations and the most in-demand one in Christmas. But do you know that these wreaths are embedded with glittery decorations and plastic accessories which are not eco-friendly and are harmful for wildlife and birds. So, this year, go for fresh wreaths that are made up of natural, seasonal foliage and embellishment. The best alternative to this is that you can even make your own wreath by using different types of fabric which will last at least a year and will be more sustainable.


Decorating the house with beautiful Christmas lights is the ritual of Christmas. In order to be more sustainable with Christmas decorations, you should stop using traditional twinkling lights and go for LED lights because they consume 80% less energy than twinkling ones. To reduce your energy bills and make environmental savings, switch to solar lights outdoors and put the sets on a timer.

Now that you know why being sustainable is important and how to celebrate an eco-friendly Christmas. One should always contribute to the environment by being sustainable even if it’s a small step. A small step is better than no step at all. To know more about sustainability and living in a sustainable home, you can visit top ways to finance your own green home.

It’s high time and it is our responsibility to save the environment by being sustainable and reducing the activities which are exploiting the environment. To know more about sustainability, the brands taking initiatives and if you want to be a part of a sustainable community then join our sustainable brand community.

Prachi, an accomplished Chief-Editor at The Sustainable Brands Journal, has 15+ years of experience in Europe, the Middle East, and India, managing 90+ global sustainable brands. She's a prolific writer in sustainability, contributing to various publications. Prachi's unwavering passion and expertise make her a recognized authority, driving positive change and inspiring a sustainable future.

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With the first Issue of The Sustainable Brands Journal Magazine, SBJ embarks on the mission to highlight innovative brands that are doing notable work in promoting an eco-conscious lifestyle, helping solve global issues like waste and pollution, and bringing the community together to drive a movement toward a sustainable world!