
Electric Vehicles Are Being Banned In Switzerland

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A ban on electric vehicles is reportedly planned for Switzerland. The Telegraph reported recently that the country’s officials had developed a proposal in order to prevent blackouts and power cuts due to excessive energy usage. According to the report, the plan includes a restriction on power usage.

It is highly likely that Switzerland will become the first country to adopt such a policy if this were to happen.

About 60% of Switzerland’s energy needs are met by hydropower; it provides about half of the country’s energy needs; this means that hydropower is highly significant to the Swiss economy. Production slows down during the winter months when the weather is colder. Additionally, the country imports electricity from neighboring France and Germany. These two countries have been experiencing a growing energy crisis because of the war in Ukraine. This has caused an energy crisis across the entire continent.

A record number of nuclear reactor outages during the first half of 2022 resulted in a drop in EDF’s electricity output. This resulted in a 30-year low earlier in the year. The company is in a race against time to ensure its fleet will be able to function at full capacity with the start of winter only months away.

The French economy is more vulnerable than some other European nations to the turmoil unleashed by the conflicts in Ukraine and the fallout from the conflict in Libya. This is due to the limited availability of nuclear power and the high demand for electricity there due to the high temperatures.

It has been widely reported that Russia has invaded Ukraine. This has triggered a massive energy shortage. This has caused countries that were highly dependent on Russian imported petroleum to diversify their supplies in order to reduce their dependence on Russian oil.

In order to prepare for the possibility of a blackout, the Swiss authorities are taking measures. It is hoped that the proposed policy of limiting energy usage by buildings and even preventing concerts, theatre performances, and sporting events from taking place in the country will be implemented.

If the situation worsens, Switzerland plans to restrict electric vehicle use to only essential travel in order to avoid further carbon emissions increases.

Besides that, the Swiss power plan also includes measures such as the banning of cryptocurrency mining and the disabled. Measures such as these will be implemented as part of the plan.

Prachi, an accomplished Chief-Editor at The Sustainable Brands Journal, has 15+ years of experience in Europe, the Middle East, and India, managing 90+ global sustainable brands. She's a prolific writer in sustainability, contributing to various publications. Prachi's unwavering passion and expertise make her a recognized authority, driving positive change and inspiring a sustainable future.

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