Sustainable Travel

Sustainable Travel Hacks: Explore the World Responsibly

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Travel hacks or tips are things to remember and follow religiously while traveling, especially when you are eco-friendly. Did you know? The ocean is filled with plastic, marine life is exploring more plastic, waste is piling up and causing pollution, and air quality is worsening daily. This is because we opt for easy options rather than environmentally friendly ones, especially when traveling. Remember, comfort is essential, and so is the environment.

However, by using sustainable travel tips and tricks, you will understand that sustainable living is not difficult but a worthwhile responsibility that’ll make you feel happy and healthy at the same time. How does YOUR traveling affect the environment, and what is the actual meaning of sustainable travel?

How does travel or tourism affect nature?

Tourism has many advantages. It can fortify communities by providing more income, aid, and infrastructure. It initiates higher employment rates, helps maintain culture and language, and demands more cultural experience. 

Unfortunately, tourism has a downside, too. Overtourism can impact local communities’ quality of life, diminish natural resources, and cause gentrification. There can periodically be a danger of communities becoming dependent on travel. 

Some destinations also find that tourism pushes “Disneyfication.” This is when cultural experiences become so altered that they are no longer original. 

Travel stresses regional land use, leading to soil eroding, pollution, loss of natural habitat, and more pressure on endangered species. These effects can slowly destroy the environmental resources on which tourism itself relies. The issue gives birth to the need for sustainable travel.

What is Sustainable Travel?

Sustainable Travel

Sustainable travel, eco-tourism, or responsible travel refers to tips or tricks that decrease harm to the atmosphere of the place you visit. Each option may seem insignificant, but they can make a positive difference together.

Following are the hacks to plan your trip ecologically!

  • Choose eco-friendly travel destinations that follow sustainable tourism practices and community concentration.
  • Book your stay in accommodations with renewable energy sources, water-saving measures, and waste-reduction programs. To confirm their sustainability pledge, look for EarthCheck, Green Key, or LEED certifications.
  • Consider eco-friendly transport options like bus or train. Opt for direct flights to lessen emissions. Use public transportation or a bike around the destination where you visit. Try car-pooling or electric vehicles, if there are any. Congratulations—you are saving the environment if you choose to commute in the least pollution-causing way and reducing carbon footprint while traveling. 
  • Choose green activities that benefit nature, wildlife, and local neighborhoods. Participate in cultural immersion experiences and conservation measures to support responsible tourism. Avoid pollution-causing activities and buy from businesses that support sustainability.
  • Plan your first to last day comprehensively, even if you’re going on an impromptu adventure. It’s adequate to get familiar with the area before reaching out.

Final Word

Sustainable travel is about practicing the old ways we feel are new. Earlier, people used to live ecologically without even knowing the meaning of it because it was nice to live that way. Therefore, practicing these ways while traveling makes communities aware of being environmentally mindful and why each of us can contribute to restoring Mother Nature.

Prachi, an accomplished Chief-Editor at The Sustainable Brands Journal, has 15+ years of experience in Europe, the Middle East, and India, managing 90+ global sustainable brands. She's a prolific writer in sustainability, contributing to various publications. Prachi's unwavering passion and expertise make her a recognized authority, driving positive change and inspiring a sustainable future.

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With the first Issue of The Sustainable Brands Journal Magazine, SBJ embarks on the mission to highlight innovative brands that are doing notable work in promoting an eco-conscious lifestyle, helping solve global issues like waste and pollution, and bringing the community together to drive a movement toward a sustainable world!