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Explore the impact of technology on environmental sustainability and the importance of balancing social development, economic progress, and ecological health. Learn how smarter choices, like reducing meat consumption and embracing renewable resources, can pave the way for a sustainable future.

From the time we humans have reached the Industrial Revolution to the time now, we have achieved so much in terms of technology. We have made all kinds of innovations and inventions. We have set foot on the Moon and came back, and even reached the very edge of our own solar system. We have achieved so much that there is rarely something we can think of which seems impossible. 

There is no doubt that technology has made our lives much easier, convenient, and comfortable. So much to the extent that it now seems next to impossible to even imagine humanity without technology. 

No such thing as a free lunch huh?

But there is no such thing as free lunch. Everything has a cost which one has to pay. Similarly, all this technological advancement has a cost, and the cost is the depleting health of the very planet which we are living in. Lack of valuable resources like water, land, air, etc. left to use for us to even survive in a comforting environment. Dangers are now looking straight at our future generations. 

Ages back, we had only one goal and that was to use resources to make our lives easier and better. And it is no doubt that we have achieved the goal with outstanding beauty and wonder. But in this process, we have forgotten the fact that this planet is our very home. 

As of now, more than 20,000 scientists around the globe have given multiple warnings that we need to take the issue of catastrophic climate change really seriously. And it is just because of the research and contributions of these scientists that now many people are starting to realize the fact that we must change our ways and we cannot continue like this. 

Surely there are things which must change about the way in which we are treating our very planet. 

The most important question is where to start? It seems simple but it is also at the same time, really complex. I’ll tell you why. All of this started with us. All the damage, all the depletion of valuable resources, deforestation, industrial revolution. We are responsible for the damage we have done to this planet. And hence, we will be the one to correct it as well. 

It is high time that we must realize that everything that we have has an impact on this planet. Whether we are consuming something, watching something, creating something has an impact on this planet. 

The average person will not think about the impact one is making on the entire planet. Do you think about the fact that the device in which you are reading this right now is responsible somewhere for the collective damage which is happening to the environment? 

The average person will never think about it. And hence, it becomes crucial to be aware of what we do, consume and create. 

Scientists have calculated that even if we are to decrease our daily meat consumption by half, we can actually lower the carbon rate by close to 8%. 

All of this has made the role of Technology even more crucial in attaining sustainability. 

When we talk about sustainability, it is imperative that we are making it a goal to make sure that whatever we do, consume, and create will have a positive impact on our Planet Earth so that we have something positive to pass it on to the future generations. 

Technology should always lead to Sustainability and vice-versa. 

Without sustainability, we cannot help but imagine what we would do once we have consumed all the resources which are on the verge of being extinct. 

We have lost many species in our hunger for more and more comfort and shortcuts and it is not time to create better and sustainable ways with the help of technology so that humanity can go on for future generations as well. We need to create better possibilities for future generations with the help of technology. 

We need to keep three things in mind. 

Social Development: 

We, humans, are also a resource for this world. We have our minds that can think and create things out of nothing. We can create paper from a tree. In order to achieve sustainability here, we must make sure that there are equal opportunities, education, safety, and food. 

Economic Progress: 

Everything we develop starts with nature. The smarter we use our resources the better possibilities we can make for a fair distribution and the more sustainability we will achieve. We need to be aware of what we buy and how it is produced to be able to make better decisions. 

The perfect example of this is a t-shirt. 

The material is collected and taken to some other place where it is perfectly stitched. Then it is taken to a new place for the logo to print before a new factory at a faraway place packs it nicely and distributes it to various shops and malls before a person buys it. It literally travels the whole world! 

We need to play by fair rules and sustainable goals so that every person can get the benefits for the same. 

Climate and environment

We must make sure our ecosystem is perfectly balanced and well-aligned. How we produce and use is extremely important. Oil and coals are examples of energy we may run out of. Using renewable resources is good for the provide and us as well as they can provide jobs for the years to come. 

These three things must work together. 


With the first Issue of The Sustainable Brands Journal Magazine, SBJ embarks on the mission to highlight innovative brands that are doing notable work in promoting an eco-conscious lifestyle, helping solve global issues like waste and pollution, and bringing the community together to drive a movement toward a sustainable world!