sustainable vacation

Top 5 Ways to Have a Sustainable Vacation

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Be it workation or a weekend getaway, none of us can wait to get out of our homes after being forced to stay cooped up in homes or offices as we continue to balance the post-pandemic work-leisure life. As the restrictions ease and bans are lifted, we can expect the tourism industry to get back on track slowly.

But before the pandemic hit, tourism was responsible for 5% of the global greenhouse gas emissions. It also contributed to the exploitation of resources and major disturbances to the ecosystem.

As we step into the post-pandemic “new normal”, we have to reduce our impact on the environment by being eco-conscious and mindful on our trips. So, before you plan your next holiday, here are 5 things you can do to travel sustainably:

  1. Choose a greener mode of transport

Transportation is the leading contributor to the emissions linked to tourism. You can avoid adding to this by choosing greener alternatives to reach your destination and during your stay.

Tourism contributes to over 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, 90% of which is because of transportation

  • Use public transit.

Public transport is the easiest way to reduce carbon emissions, especially since many places have already switched to biofuels and electric alternatives.

Many countries, especially in Europe, are connected by rail networks that make getting from one country to another cheaper and more sustainable.

Some cities that are noted for their sustainable public transport include Hong Kong, Zurich, Seoul, and Stockholm.

  • Look for sustainable airlines

Sometimes travelling by air is the only viable option. Many airlines are shifting to better fuels and efficient planes, so you can still make an eco-conscious decision by researching and choosing airlines that have ranked well on the sustainability index.

  • Rent a bicycle, not a car

Once you reach your destination, consider renting a bicycle instead of a car. This way you can go sightseeing without adding emissions and get some exercise! Alternatively, rent an EV or use services that allow you to carpool.

2. Get involved with the local community

Contributing to the local community (and economy) has become essential as the communities that depend on tourists were hit hard during the pandemic. Here are some ways you can support local businesses while being sustainable.

  • Stay at locally owned guesthouses

This could help boost the local economy as the money goes directly to the locals rather than a corporation or hotel chain. You can also look for homestay accommodations which is a great way to learn more about locals while supporting the host family.

  • Try local food

Trying local cuisine is a great way to immerse yourself in the culture as well as reduce the food miles.

  • Go for Voluntourism

Volunteer Tourism or Voluntourism is when travellers volunteer to help a community. It could be teaching a skill or a language to the local kids, helping conservation ecosystems or engaging in clean-up drives. But before you sign-up for a Voluntourism program, make sure you have done your research to ensure you are not doing more harm than good.

3. Opt for nature-based tours

Tourism is essential for many conservation programs. Many protected areas like wildlife reserves and national parks are underfunded and dependent on the tourism fee.

Ecotourism is another way to contribute to conservation efforts by actively and responsibly participating in the conservation while supporting the locals by generating livelihood.

Ecotourism is popular in countries like New Zealand, Tanzania, Costa Rica, and Kenya.

4. Carry your own reusables (and don’t be a litterbug!)

SBJ-Top 5 Ways to Have a Sustainable Vacation

Buying a plastic bottle or using disposable spoons and forks is very convenient when travelling, but this contributes to a massive global plastic waste crisis. A study found that when beaches become a favourite tourist spot during the summer season, there was a 40% surge in plastic entering the Mediterranean Sea.

This just proves what we already know, skip the single-use plastic! Carry your refillable water bottles and reusable cutlery instead.

Also, don’t forget to carry a reusable cloth bag when you visit the local markets to avoid using plastic bags.

5. Keep waste to a minimum and be mindful of resources

Besides plastic waste, the tourism and the hospitality industry also has a grave food waste problem. Over 33% of all the produced food is wasted every year, and restaurants contribute the most to this waste. All this waste puts pressure on the local food systems and contributes to global greenhouse emissions.

Hence, being mindful and not wasting food is crucial to sustainability.

And lastly, doing simple tasks like turning off the taps when not in use and switching off the lights or appliances like Air Conditioning before you leave the room will help conserve water and energy.

It might seem like a hassle to think about sustainability while you’re out on vacation. But trust us, you will be proud of yourself when you realise you did your bit for the planet while having fun. We have some very helpful suggestions for sustainable and eco-friendly hotels. If you wish to learn more about this, feel free to check out our post.


With the first Issue of The Sustainable Brands Journal Magazine, SBJ embarks on the mission to highlight innovative brands that are doing notable work in promoting an eco-conscious lifestyle, helping solve global issues like waste and pollution, and bringing the community together to drive a movement toward a sustainable world!